This is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a health problem!
May cause pain.
To get rid of the problem, you should go to a specialist - a podiatrist.
He will conduct therapy, focus on eliminating the main source of the problem and recommend home remedies, thanks to which you will effectively get rid of the problem of cracked heels.
How does the problem of cracked heels arise?
This problem can affect anyone.
When the keratinization of the epidermis is disturbed, hyperkeratosis occurs (excessive accumulation of dead epidermis on a given surface). Disorders can be caused by diseases, genetic disorders and environmental factors.
The risk of developing increases with diabetes, RA, AD, obesity, vitamin deficiencies, hormonal disorders, fungal and bacterial infections, incorrect biomechanics, inappropriate footwear, often with hard soles, or inadequate home care.
Long-term drying of the epidermis, hyperkeratosis, loss of elasticity and elasticity as well as excessive pressure cause cracks in these places that cause pain. They are often so deep that they bleed and cause great pain.
Do not use graters and pumice stones at home. This will only exacerbate your problem.
Use moisturizing and oiling foot creams.
It is worth using occlusion from time to time.
Contact a podiatrist who will implement therapy and find the cause of your problem.
Remember that dealing with the problem of cracked heels takes time and regular visits to a specialist.